A New Tradition

As our fifth Christmas comes and goes Annalisa and I began to realize that we have developed a new tradition for our family. Three out of the five Christmases we have gone ice skating. This Christmas our memories flood to last year's Christmas. We went Christmas shopping down Oxford Street in London, we visited William Shakespeare’s hometown, stood in awe as we took pictures of the prestigious schools in Cambridge, and sat in Westminster Abbey listening to Christmas Evensong. Nothing will compare to our wonderful Christmas last year, but life does go on and we find ourselves in Virginia Beach, VA this year enjoying our last Christmas just as husband and wife. Come February, our lives (we are told) will be dramatically altered, but in a happy way! Now this year wasn't as memorable as last year. The temperature was in the 60's and it was Norfolk, but we still managed to enjoy some ice skating outside in a downtown atmosphere. So, I have posted Christmas 2005 and Christmas 2006 enjoying our new family tradition--ice skating.